Gastric plication is a simplified method of restricting the stomach volume. While in the sleeve operation the baggy part of the stomach is removed, in the plication the gastric volume is reduced by imbricating the stomach wall inwards with rows of stitches.
How is Gastric Plication performed?
The procedure includes five or six tinynicks in the abdomen and using a video camera for performing laparoscopic surgeries. In this minimally invasive surgery, one or more larger folds in the stomach are sewed which reduces the volume by approximately 70% thus making your stomach capable of holding lesser food. It also restricts your excessive diet. This procedure involves no stapling, cutting or the removal of the stomach or intestine. The gastric plication can be reversed or renewed to another method if required. This process is minimally invasive and takes approximately 1 hour to get done. Most of the patients stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 days after the process.
How does Gastric Plication aid in weight loss?
Gastric Plication is a purely restrictive method and it reduces the size of the stomach significantly, thus reducing the amount of food you eat. It must be kept in mind that this procedure does not reduce the absorption of nutrients or bypass your intestines. You feel your stomach filling up after eating smaller portions.
What are the benefits of Laparoscopic Gastric Plication?
A patient who opts for this procedure can hope for the loss of 40-70% of his/her excess body weight after this surgery.Apart from this, many health problems related to obesity, like hypertension, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea and high cholesterolare improved in many patients undergoing this procedure. This laparoscopic bariatric procedure results in good improvement in these medical conditions in the initial year of the surgery.
Laparoscopic Gastric Plication a good choice for me?
Maybe. Many patients and surgeons are wary of a permanent method like the sleeve (where 80% of the stomach is removed), with its potential for leaks (2%). For them, a softer approach that is reversible is more appealing. The reversibility of the plication, along with the fact that no body part is removed, seems to be appealing to some patients. You must discuss with your doctor about the choice of the best bariatric procedure for you. It is likely that more established and stronger procedures would be recommended, as long-term weight loss is least with plication